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Web Designer know the power of good website design

Dec 10, 2020Website Design0 comments

If you are a website designer and working in a web design company then this blog is for you. Website design is very subjective topic and it varies person to person, so it is very difficult to judge any design as a good or best. However one can take basic concept in account while designing a website.

Having an effective and good web design doesn’t come easy. Web Designers have to follow the basic principles for creating an appealingly looking and user friendly design. Awesome web design help drive potential customers to a website and in some cases other website owners may provide backlinks to a website if the content is worth linking to. We at S2DC Web Creators is a one of the leading web designing company in Salem around Tamilnadu helps you to follow basic guideline while designing a web page –

1. Color Scheme Selection – Using the right colors will solve half of your work because the colors are backbone of any web design. A well planned color scheme can prove to be quite effective in enhancing the user experience. You have to keep logo color in mind while choosing the base color because the logo is brand identity and it should be highlighted on website. Once the base color is finalize choose the complementary colors effectively to enhance the look.

2. Images Selection – Images plays very critical role in website design. It is scientifically proved that visuals create more impact on user compare to text hence the importance of good images is essential element in website design. One should use high resolution and low size images for best result.

3. Font Family and Font Size – If the content on web pages is not readable or dull then user will reluctant to your website. It is very important to choose the right font family hence the readability also depend on font family apart from font size. It is always advisable to use same font size and font family throughout the website content.

4. Responsive Design – We are living in the era of smart devices e.g.- smart phones, tablets, laptops and many more digital gadgets. If your website design is not responsive then you will lose plenty of traffic. Web designer should test web design on all devices with different screen size for best result.

There are several companies which provide web designing services in various cities across India. Just like in other cities, Web Design Services in Salem, Tamilnadu is quite competitive and we at S2DC Web Creators take pride to lead the market. For more information about website design topic keep reading our blogs.

– S2DC Web Creators


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